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Savory, Tangy, Sweet


CAN IT, Tomato

We created 'Chups to add variety to the traditional tomato-dominated ketchup market.

We blend onion, garlic, vinegar, and spices with whole fruits like cherries, blueberries, and pineapple. The results is a savory, tangy, and sweet condiment — perfect for topping, dipping, and dressing any of the foods you normally eat with ketchup.

Variety is good. Be bold. Try ‘Chups!




Bringin' it Back 

Way Back

Ketchup is defined by the vinegar and spice that makes it savory and tangy. Originating as a fish sauce in Asia, ketchup evolved over hundreds of years before it was ever made with tomatoes.

Older American cookbooks include dozens of ketchup recipes, like apple, grape, and lemon — even walnut and mushroom!

With a rich history of diversity why does the modern market only offer us the tomato variety?

It's time to embrace bolder, brighter, and dare we say better, flavors! 







Try 'Chups For Yourself